come straight to the point

[kʌm streɪt tu ðə pɔɪnt]
  • 释义
  • 开门见山,直入主题;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Don't beat around the bush, come straight to the point!

    别拐弯抹角, 直截了当地说吧!

  • 2、

    As we are familiar with each other , let's come straight to the point.

    大家都是熟人, 我们就开门见山吧.

  • 3、

    Don't talk round the question; come straight to the point.

    不要在这个问题上绕圈子, 开门见山地谈出来吧.

  • 4、

    My brother and I were taught not to mince matters and come straight to the point.


  • 5、

    I'll come straight to the point your work isn't good enough.


  • 6、

    Don't beat about the bush any more! Come straight to the point!

    别再兜圈子了! 直接了当的说吧!

  • 7、

    You might come straight to the point. Don't beat about the bush.


  • 8、

    I propose? after the usual preliminaries? to come straight to the point.

    我建议? 开始时一般的客套话以后? 直截了当就进人正题.
